Leadership Blog

Jun 3, 2024

Your Leadership Link by Cullen S. Gibson, Vice President




 I recently sent a personal note to a leadership friend asking to define their purpose as a leader. This particular leader said one of their purposes was “to empower others.” This same leader wrote, “My purpose is to help others recognize the power of their own mind and to not allow themselves to be a barrier to their own success and happiness.” This leader went on to describe the mind as a powerful tool that can achieve anything or could destroy everything.

Our minds are flooded every day with stuff. We make a conscious and voluntary decision to read, to watch TV, and scan social media. Many things that we feed into our minds can cause anxiety, sadness, and worry. Recent events in our world can accentuate fear and doubt about the future. Factions of people feel empowered with their right to free speech and protest. Unfortunately, disharmony and hate exist in many of these world events. What we put into our minds is a huge indicator of our actions.

Finally, when I think of empowerment, I think of leaders giving it away. That is, a great leader is “willing to develop people to the point that they eventually surpass them in knowledge and ability” (Manske). With that said, take the time this week to practice SPPP. Spread purpose, passion, and presence. These intentions will pave the way for empowering others as they will generate connections and conversations.

Have a momentous week!