
Leadership Blog

Dec 25, 2023

Your Leadership Link by Cullen S. Gibson, Vice President


The True Meaning of Christmas

Whatever your belief system might be, it certainly stands that Christmas Day is the most celebrated holiday throughout the world. The day and even the “season” have become a cultural, religious, and economic phenomena.

Please allow me to “dig deeper” into the reality of what really happened that Christmas morning.

  1. The Infinite Became an Infant:
    As Christians, we celebrate the birth of Christ on this day. God did the unthinkable. God became a baby. The awesome, infinite One decided to visit a planet He created. This was enormous condescension. Jesus was not God-like nor was He a second version of God. He was God!
  2. The Sovereign Became a Servant:
    Christ had all the angelic forces at His beckon call. Instead, He took on the attitude and lifestyle of a servant. He owned nothing. He was born in a borrowed manger and a borrowed cave. He came to serve and eventually die a criminal’s death.
  3. The Creator Became our Redeemer:
    The One who made man, died for man. God lovingly pursues the human race. I call it a “divine search and rescue mission.” Christ took man’s place. His birth was a profound move of “grace.” God did not need man. He created man. Man ran away (and continues to run away) and God continues to chase man down.

These truths, my friends, reflect the meaning, miracle and magnitude of what happened on that Christmas Day.

Have a great day as you reflect on these things with your families.

joy to the world